Instagram Kits
A series of booklets developed for Instagram to help their APAC client/agency partners better understand what Instagram stands for, the basic Instagram features, popular #hashtags, Advertising on Instagram (with case study examples), Instagram ad products (link ads, mobile app install ads, video ads, carousel ads, marquee), Creative Best Practices, as well as an overview on the Instagram community specific to the market. Starter packs were developed for the Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korean and Japan market.
The starter pack consisted of five booklets:
- Welcome to Instagram
- Get started on Instagram
- Instagram for your business
- Creative - Getting it right
- The Instagram Community
When designing this, we had to bear in mind that each kit would be localised for a different market, and I wanted to give a strong emphasis on the beautiful photography on the platform. We ended up designing the enclosing case with a window in the front to showcase a community image specific to the market the kit is intended for, serving as a constant reminder of the possibilities with Instagram as it sits on the table/shelf. Was also in charge of curating from the different community Instagrammer profiles relevant images to be included in the booklets.